Monday, September 30, 2019

China: Civil War and Communist Triumph Essay

* China: Civil War and Communist Triumph CCP gained control of the Manchurian countryside. After the war, the Nationalists appeared to have superior resources. They were recognized as the legitimate government. Nationalist party assassinated Wen (pg. 326) which showed their desperation to retain power. Taiwan suffered worse and they rioted in protest, 1947, but the Nationalist government responded with brutal and bloody repression. The government couldn’t stop the inflation and people had to carry bundles of paper money to shop. The CCP had a disciplined and well-organized political and military leadership. In Jul 1947, communist armies attacked several fronts in Northern China. Lin Biao completely routed the Nationalist party in 1948. In 1949, Nationalist generals surrendered Beijing and Tianjin. Mao Zedong formally proclaimed the establishment of People’s Republic of China. * Japan: The Occupation Ends and Means The Occupation’s mission was to demilitarize Japan and turn the country into a peaceful and democratic state which was under the authority of the Far Eastern Commission in Washington. Japanese government continued to function, but according to the Occupation authorities under MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Occupation supplied food and medical supplies and US become seriously concerned with rebuilding Japanese economy is 1947. People were purged, half of them from the military. Outside of Japan, people were tried and sentenced to death. Tojo as well who headed Japan’s wartime government. The emperor was not charged and was pressured to substitute a more open lifestyle like British monarch. Under the new constitution he became a symbol of the nation. Constitution went into effect May 1947.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fashion, Fade and Craze in Adolesence

Fashion and teenagers!!! Fashion is a popular way of behaving which includes a popular style of clothes, hair, etc, at a particular period of time. Fashion began from the early stone age and lots of upheaval have occurred till now. Len the early age people used to be half naked and wear dresses made from animal skins, leaves etc. And carry different weapons like bows arrows, spear heads which resembles that they are following the fashionable trends present at that time.I was highly influenced by what French designer Coco Channel once said , â€Å"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. â€Å"Fashion and our lives is interlaced with one another and it is reflected by our contemporary life activities. The teenagers are mostly attracted to the western fashion culture and they are triggered by the exotic western dresses like beautiful clothing etc.Students want to crea te the unique image and for them fashion is like a way to express their inner self and by having the latest clothing they want to look cool. Many of them think fashion helps them create an aural psychic influence and it pervades and highlights their resend in the surroundings. Teens are mostly influenced by the latest trends ,colorful designs outfits. And there wardrobe is full of different brands which like Giorgio Airman, Dior,Levis,Gucci,Louis Button, Denim .Both boys and girls awesomely like to wear casual dress and formal style will be used only in the serious environments like when having a ceremony or performing business meetings, official talks and seminars. Teenagers are mostly inspired and influenced by their celebrities, models and fashion media and the college boys and girls are also trying to leonine themselves. Their fashion icons are their all time favorites artists which teaches them how to innovate ,develop and create new stylish things and from them they also learn t that how to look the worlds from the new perspective. En of the teenager said that the role models provide encouragement to them for doing the right things in a friendly way.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Describe, giving reasons, how a judge in the High Court might approach Essay

Describe, giving reasons, how a judge in the High Court might approach claims for nervous shock (psychiatric injury) from the de - Essay Example The twins’ father who was at the stadium during the disaster also experienced psychiatric injury but was still able to help the injured others. Issue: Whether or not the psychiatric injury claim of the deceased boy’s grandmother, mother and father would prosper. Cause of Action Cause of action in the instant scenario shall be analyzed in reference to the case of Dulieu v White (1901), a landmark precedent. In that case, the High Court granted the plaintiff’s claim for nervous shock. The defendant’s negligent act actually frightened a pregnant woman which eventually caused her to miscarry. Judge Kennedy J set forth the following requisites for filing a psychiatric injury claim: (1) the fright or shock whether mere or substantial is followed by a physical damage (2) the fright or shock is a natural result of the defendant’s negligence (3) the physical damage done is not too remote to support the claim. Phillimor J added one more requirement, that is, there should be a legal obligation on the defendant’s part not to frighten or shock the plaintiff by his or her negligent act. All of the mentioned requisites should be present in order for cause of action to exist. The respective situations of the deceased twins’ grandmother, mother and father shall be subjected to analysis. As to the twins’ grandmother and mother, it is contended that they have no cause of action. First, no consequent physical damage has transpired after they were frightened. Notably, the two were merely watching the whole event on television. Stated otherwise, they were not located in the place of incidence. Although their fright can be regarded as a normal result of the defendant’s (the stadium owner) negligence, still the third and fourth requisites are not complied with. The remoteness of the physical damage done shall not be dealt with since there was no physical damage to speak of in the first place. As the game was aired on telev ision, the stadium owner had a duty to prevent any circumstance that would frighten the audience. In the given scenario, the horrific event was unluckily televised which shocked the boys’ grandmother and mother. In that respect, the stadium owner is negligent. James and Christopher’s father has also no cause of action. Despite the fact that their father was at the place of incidence, it is to be presumed that he did not suffer any physical damage. It was just stated that he too experienced nervous shock and administered first aid to the injured others. Needless to say, the first requisite is absent. His fright however is a normal effect of the defendant’s negligence. The third requisite is not an issue in this instance. Based on the stated findings, a High Court judge will declare that the twins’ grandmother, mother and father have no cause of action to file a case for psychiatric injury. Each of them may have complied with the second and fourth requisite s but they failed to pass the first and third conditions. This is in pursuance to its simple approach based on the exclusive elements of psychiatric injury. Legal Standing In the present scenario, legal standing (locus standi) shall be discussed in light of the principles enunciated in Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police (1992). Alcock was one of the injured victims in a crowd crush. In this case, the court did not uphold the plaintiff’s claim for nervous shock. The House of Lords promulgated two requisites for one to have a legal standing in

Vin Diesel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vin Diesel - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Vin Diesel is an incredibly well-known actor for his big-budget movie roles in movies like â€Å"xXx,† â€Å"The Fast and the Furious† and other such large-scale action movies.   Probably the greatest sign that Vin Diesel is not at all who you thought he was from his big budget films comes from the film â€Å"Multi-Facial† which he wrote, directed and starred in when he was unable to be cast in any movies in Hollywood.   This is a film about how it can be very hard for someone with a multi-ethnic background to be cast into movies, because they will either be called â€Å"too white† or â€Å"too black† for a lot of the parts, and though they could possibly pass for Hispanic they do not have the accent or the language skills to keep up with real Hispanics in a film role.   Vin Diesel did almost every part of this film himself for a budget of only $4000, and it was eventually accepted into the Cann es Film Festival in 1995.   Vin Diesel even wrote and performed all of the music for this piece, showing that he really has a wide array of talents.   At the Cannes Film Festival, Steven Spielberg saw this film and was truly impressed, and eventually decided to write a part for Diesel in the incredibly well received Saving Private Ryan.   Added to this is Vin Diesel’s amazing amount of popular appeal.   He has been a star in a lot of highly successful Hollywood movies, most notably â€Å"xXx† and â€Å"The Fast and the Furious.†Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Noise Control; Radon; UV-Radiation (Case) Module 5 Essay

Noise Control; Radon; UV-Radiation (Case) Module 5 - Essay Example al human life but noises emitted by night clubs are not only disturbing long term exposure to loud music can lead to permanent damage to individual’s hearing (EPA, 2011). Long-term exposure to noises like that coming from nightclubs can cause major disorders such as NIHL (A condition in which the tiny hairs in ears are damaged, which then results in hearing loss, these tiny hairs once damaged cannot be repaired and cannot be replaced). In nightclubs the music is so loud that it causes the floor to shake and causes stiffness in the chests of people in the vicinity ("Noise pollution |," 2011). The music there if measured in decibels (units for measuring sound) reaches around 125, which is equivalent to a firearm being discharged. Being exposed to sharp and loud noises can cause some real damage to the auditory nerve, which can lead to permanent deafness it may also be accompanied by ringing, buzzing and also roaring in the head. Noise pollution can also have negative effects work and school lives. There is a strict restriction over night club near to residential blocks. Sounds that endanger the auditory nerve are strictly prohibited in the nightclubs. Moreover, a complaint from residential living near a night club producing high noise can shut it down. Radon is a noble gas. It is produced after the break down of uranium and thorium. It is also one of the densest substances that remain in gaseous form at room temperatures. Another special property of Radon is that it has radioactive isotopes, which emit high levels of radiations and are considered found to be very harmful for human health and are suspected to cause various diseases including cancer For a long time it has been established that there is a link between exposure to radioactive waves and the growth of cancerous cells in the human body .The most common type of cancer that is linked with exposure to Radon gas is perhaps lung cancer, which until very recently was thought of as a primary type of cancer

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Training Computer Users Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Training Computer Users - Essay Example According to Shinder (, there are several ways of ensuring that the adopted training program meets the desired planning qualities. First, the author provides for identification of training goals prior to the actual training. An example of such goals is the reduction of output losses incurred by the customers as they shift from software to another. Improving end user speed, accuracy and security could also be possible objectives of the training. Alternatively, identification and assessing the needs of the end users form part of the greater planning strategy before the training. This is usually achieved by performing a rapid evaluation of capability and technical prowess that users have on average. A representative sample of end users is randomly taken and evaluated to reveal areas that assistance is needed. In addition to the above planning areas, it is important that various training techniques are explored and the best picked for higher efficiency. Several end users categories imply that different training techniques might be necessary, which makes a hybrid training technique the ideal choice. Some of the training techniques to be explored include; end user hands-on instruction, classroom style, seminar style demonstration, computer based training (CBT) as well as book or self paced training. Perhaps the most important preparatory aspect of the training is identification and sourcing of resources needed fro the end user training. Once the planning logistics are completed, the relevant resources for the training are identified and made available in time for the training. Training techniques for instance require different resources and tools in order for the objective to be achieved. Extra numbers of end users must be in anticipated and reservations made to avoid shortage of materials needed to reach all end users. The other

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial Health 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Health 2 - Assignment Example ost of care payment is similar to the comprehensive care model in which payment for the full range of health care is given by a specified group for a decided period of time. (Cromwell, J., & Research Triangle Institute. 2011) The false claim act is a statute which provides people who are not with the government to file action can on behalf of the government. It is a federal law also known as â€Å"whistle blowing† that allows people who are not government-affiliated to file claims of fraud against the government. It has been used to investigate many health providers from pharmaceutical companies to health care organizations, hospital, practices, agencies and equipment providers. Through the use of this fraud, government has come across many fraud settlements over the years and has paid big payments who had sued on behalf of the government. This law applies in situations like double billing by providers, refusing to provide medically necessary care etc. A number of federal and state statutes are dealt by the Government in regard to the Medicare fraudulent. The government provides the prosecutor with many options related to health care. Following is a list of possible criminal prosecution: A False Claims act is a government statute under which, any health care provider who presents a false claim or demand regarding any medical services can be held guilty. The prosecutor needs to prove that the provider intentionally false claimed. A False Statement Act imposes liability on a provider if in a communication submitted to the government had false writings or documents. In such a violation the government only needs to prove that the provider knowingly submitted the statement or documents knowing they were false. Anti-kickback act concerns individuals and entities that knowingly make false statements in applying for payments provided by the government and states regarding health care. It also prohibits individuals concealing information of events that claim their

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cementless Fixation of Total Hip Replacements Essay

Cementless Fixation of Total Hip Replacements - Essay Example Literature supporting or refuting both philosophies is available. Cemented fixation - Cemented stems have a variety of smooth, textured, and coated surfaces that bond to a layer of cement. These stems occupy 80% of the medullary canal to allow for a mantle (ie, cement-occupied space). A centralizer is added to many cemented stems to keep the stem in the center of the canal, which provides a uniform space for the cement around the implant. (Canale, 1998, 314). Differing philosophies guide surgeons in selecting cemented femoral implants for patients. There was a trend in the 1980s to use more cementless implants; in the 1990s, cemented implants regained popularity. Currently, surgeons are favoring cementless techniques again as a result of proven extended service life in long-term outcome studies on porous implants. Cement is indicated when a patient's bone quality cannot be stabilized satisfactorily with a cement-less implant (Wheeless', 2003). The basic principle of uncemented fixation is that the initial stability of an implant is achieved by mechanical interlock and initial apposition of implant surfaces to host bone is converted to long-term stability by the ingrowth/ongrowth of a stable biological interface (Bloebaum etal, 1997) Cementless or pressfit fixation - with use of cemented impant systems, problems related to cement fixation, including loosening, bone loss, and signs of fragmented cement, were identified. Research efforts led to fixation without cement by using femoral stems tightly fit into the canal. This technique often is referred to as pressfit. Pressfit femoral stems have a porous surface that allows bone ingrowth into the stem, referred to as biological fixation (Hoffmann, 2000). One of the coating systems for implants is calcium phosphate-based material called calcium hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is the inorganic phase of bone, is inherently compatible with the body, and has been shown to promote bone growth and enhance implant fixation (Geesink etal, 1987). It is used as an additional way to bond bone biologically to a stem and cup. These stems provide immediate implant stability and fit tightly to the endosteal cavity of the proximal femur. There are four basic shapes for press-fit femoral stems-anatomical (ie, bowed), modular, straight, and tapered (Canale, 1998, 315, Hoffmann etal, 2000). The anatomical stem has experienced increased popularity and market growth as a result of excellent long-term results documented in the literature (Hoffmann etal, 2000). The porous coated stem previously was indicated for use in active, young patients and for revision of cemented hips, but now surgeons are using pressfit stems in patients of all ages who have good bone stock (S Rapp, 2003, 14). Physiology of the cementless system Micromotion of 20 m or less at the bone-implant interface will create an environment in which stable bone ingrowth can occur, that motions of 40 m lead to less stable interfaces, and that motions of 150 mm will prevent this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Presence of Horror and Fear in ‘the Monkey’s Paw’ Story Essay Example for Free

The Presence of Horror and Fear in ‘the Monkey’s Paw’ Story Essay This essay is an analysis of ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, a horror short story by William Wymark Jacobs. This story is about a talisman that shapes like monkey’s paw which has magical powers. It grants three wishes to its owner. It’s given to one family, husband, wife, and their son. They wish for some money, and that wish also become true, they get the money, the exact amount they wished for. But actually that money was the compensation for the death of their son that caused by the accident. Torturing by the sadness of the dead of her only son, the wife wishes for her son back to life again. When knocking is heard at the door, the husband feels scared about what will happened. And before the wife can opened the door, the husband used the last wish. The knocking stop and when the wife opened the door, no one is there. The essay will be focused on how the speaker brings the horror and fear in this story. There are many ways how the horror and fear is delivered in this story, but this essay will only take and explain three of them. The first thing that brings horror and fear is the background of the Sergeant-Major Morris as the previous owner of the talisman, how he could get that talisman. The reader can feels that the talisman has a mysterious background from how the Sergeant-Major feels uncomfortable when telling about the talisman. â€Å"The soldier regarded him the way that middle age is wont to regard presumptious youth. †I have,† he said quietly, and his blotchy face whitened. † It can be seen that the Major seems too quiet and too afraid for the man that wants to tell the story about the talisman that can granted wishes. Second, the horror and fear come up to the climax through the action or response the husband and wife after the death of their son. The fight between the husband and the wife about the wish to revive their only son also bring the reader feels the horror and fear. â€Å"The old man turned and regarded her, and his voice shook. â€Å"He has been dead ten days, and besides he – I would not tell you else, but – I could only recognize him by his clothing. If he was terrible for you to see then, how now? †Ã¢â‚¬  it brings the readers get the imagination how scary in looks if the son come back to life. The last thing that is, how the narration also supports to create a horror and fear atmosphere in the story. The best example can be seen from the last event. But her husband was on his hand s and knees groping wildly on the floor in search of the paw. If only he could find it before the thing outside got in. A perfect fusillade of knocks reverberated through the house, and he heard the scraping of a chair as his wife put it down in the passage against the door. He heard the creaking of the bolt as it came slowly back, and at the same moment he found the monkey’s paw, and frantically breathed his third and last wish. † The narrations which explain about the setting, the situation and condition also take an important role to raise the tension of fear in this short story. In sum, there are many ways of how the speaker is delivered the horror and fear of this short story. Three of them are: The background of the Sergeant-Major Morris as the previous owner of the talisman, The action or response from the husband and wife about the wish to revive their son, How the narration explain the setting, situation, and condition in this story with a ‘spooky’ ways. There are still many others ways how the speaker brings the horror and fear in this story that make this story become a good horror story.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Models of Healthcare

Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Models of Healthcare Critical Evaluation on the Future of Healthcare: The Biomedical or the Biopsychosocial Model The Biomedical Model This model has been in existence since the mid-19th century and was predominant for physicians in the diagnosis of diseases. It comprises of four elements. It argues that, that health constitutes the freedom of pain, disease or defect which implies the normal human is healthy. In this model, the focus on the physical processes such as biochemistry, physiology and pathology of a disease do not take into consideration the role played by individual subjectivity or social factors. Unlike the biopsychosocial model, the biomedical model fails to consider negotiation between a doctor and patient in determining diagnosis. The main focus in this model is purely biological factors. It excludes social influences, environment and the psychological ones. Western countries have adopted it as a leading modern way for which health professionals treat and diagnose conditions. Regardless of the limitations that this model expresses, it has been critical in the development of programs to control infect ious diseases. In addition, it feeds more information to the biopsychosocial approach (White, 2009). The Biopsychosocial Model This is an approach that states that psychological, social and biological factors all play a key role in the human functioning in relation to illness and disease. Health is thus understood by concentrating on biological, social and psychological factors rather than entirely focusing on biological terms. It contrasts to biomedical model. Biomedical model takes the position that every disease process can be explained in accordance to deviations in normal functions such as injury, developmental abnormality in genes or virus (White, 2009). This model is used in the fields of medicine, health sociology and psychology and nursing. The acceptance, novelty and prevalence of the biopsychosocial model demonstrates variation across cultures. The model has been developing over time and will only mature further with health psychology designs and research. The Future of Healthcare The biopsychosocial model is at the heart of the future of healthcare. Specialization in healthcare has advanced to fields of health psychology, psychiatry, chiropractic, clinical psychology, family therapy and clinical social work. Majority of clinicians will engage the elements of biopsychosocial and biomedical models in the practices they engage in. However, it is arguable that all illnesses whether functional or organic can be managed best going by the biopsychosocial framework rather than the biomedical in practice. The two models seem to share the same goal which is improving the improvement of the patient’s well-being. What differs is the scope on which the physician considers impairment including its origin and the possible remedies. The biopsychosocial framework expands the meaning of this goal and applies it in clinical processes. Illness is approached as the subjective sense of suffering by the patient. The goal of managing the disease thus needs to identify the spe cific exposures of the patient which are biological, social and psychological. Potential Disabilities of the Biomedical Model The biomedical model will lose its position in the future of healthcare as it assumes that social and psychological processes are irrelevant to the disease’s process. The potential disabilities it exposes are massive. It mainly has three liabilities. First, the model is reductionist in nature. It reduces illness to lower level processes. These include chemical imbalances and disordered cells. It thus fails to recognize the general role of psychological and social determinants. Secondly, the model is a single-factor model. The explanation for illness is in terms of biological malfunctions rather that recognition of a variety of factors with only a few being biological in the causation of illness. The third liability is that the model assumes a mind-body dualism. It maintains that the body and mind are two separate entities. The final but not least liability is that the model puts more emphasis on illness over health. The focus is aberrations that cause illness instead of the co nditions that would promote health. Advantages and Clinical Implications of the Biopsychosocial Model Medical care, illness and disease are interrelated processes. They involve interaction of changes both within the individual and other levels. Researchers are thus impelled by this framework toward an interdisciplinary collaboration and thinking. The model maintains that the diagnosis process should consider the interacting roles of social, psychosocial and biological factors. This calls for interdisciplinary team approach in making a diagnosis. Health psychology should adopt this model and involve all the three factors. Therapy is thus uniquely targeted to a particular individual considering their health’s totality and ensuring treatment recommendations capable of dealing with more than one problem systematically. Therefore, a team approach is encouraged as the best approach. The relationship between a doctor and a practitioner is emphasized by the biopsychosocial model. The efficacy of treatment, the rapidity of solving an illness and the patient’s service usage can be improved by an effective practitioner-patient relationship. The biopsychosocial model makes the implication that the physician must have a clear understanding of the psychological and social factors that make contributions to an illness in order to come up with ample treatment (Kim,2014). For a healthy individual, the model is of the opinion that their health habits can only be understood in social and psychosocial contexts. When an individual is ill, recovery can be influenced by psychological, biological and social factors. These factors may maintain poor health habits but when there is appropriate modifications, they facilitate healthy ones. Biopsychosocial Perspectives Psychosomatics, Behavior and Health Depression, social isolation, conscientiousness and chronic stress are all understood by medical colleagues and health psychologists alike in the impacting of the vulnerability and the protection of various diseases. There is a consistent correlation of clinical depression with pathogenesis and occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. In a study in 2009, Salomon examined the existing differences in reactivity of cardiovascular to and recovery from two lab stressors between healthy controls with no self-reported history of CVD samples and naturalistic samples of clinically depression (Nezu, 2013). With previous research demonstrating significant behavioral associations and psychosomatic among illness, health and disease, the BPS model should focus on bringing into play analytic complexity fighting individualistic. Review of neuroplasticity, socio-somatic and psychosocial genomics will assist in balancing individualistic bias for health psychology, provision of sophisticated and adequate understanding of the cultural and social contours underlying illness and health thus fostering a greater integration among domains of bio-psycho-social. Psychosocial Genomics and Neuroplasticity Advances in genetics and molecular biology have given way to the map out of human genome. There have been spectral and technological imaging advances such as allowing of examining complex neurological processes and functional magnetic resonance. These movements in science have resulted to empirical investigations, psychosocial genomics and neuroplasticity which thus offers important evidence in relation to the interdependence nature of socio-cultural, biological and psychological processes. Research on neuroplasticity goes further to justify the biopsychosocial framework. This is because, the study indicates that the brain neurons are more dynamic than had previously been considered. They develop novel synaptic connections in response to learning and experience across age and mainly the entire life (Kim, 2014). Biopsychosocial further elaborates on the impact of social support. Within many studies, more satisfying social relationships or confidants result to an individual recovering more quickly from illnesses and diseases as compared to those with minimal social support. Culture in the Biopsychosocial Model Culture evolves over the years. It carries with it vagueness and contention. Culture is informatory. It influences every founding block of the BPS model. Failure to demonstrate adequate to the key role of culture in health psychology and related medical fields would result to the discrimination in health service delivery. For a more holistic approach therefore in heath psychology, culture should be considered seriously in attempts to integrate the BPS model. Biopsychosocial Model Transformations and the Future: Health Psychology Health psychology’s emergence together with behavioral medicine in primary care settings and general practitioners training on various health paradigms have resulted to an awareness for which patients now understand that the medical providers view them as a person and not merely by the disease. For the past two decades, the research of health psychologists and the behavioral interventions have matured greatly together with high criticism. Patient quality of life and wellness has been observationally been improved by the humanistic view by the psychologists. To fully solidify the role of combinatory treatments and psychologists, it is necessary to conduct long-term empirical studies. Doctors however question the motive of the alteration of medicine for the incorporation of behavioral interventions which tend to increase the workload of the physicians who are already strained. Research, vast knowledge on behavior education skills are applied by psychology practitioners should be used in the promotion of a medical care that is more hospital co-managed. Health care and societal transformations constrain psychology from change. Psychology seeks to deliver expansion on the special skills of health and clinical psychology. Psychopharmacology is the latest intervention in the creation of a psychologist practitioner who is independent. Psychologists must look for and maintain an inter-professional collaboration with physicians in order to ensure prescription authority and psychology. The psychosocial aspects of medical problems are then addressed. Quality of treatment may be affected by poor relationships between physicians and psychologists. Collaborations and partnerships in the management and diagnosis of all health will be observed in the decades to come. Training programs in health psychology will increase in terms of quantity. There will be specialization for students who have interest in the practice of research, clinical and education settings (Kim, 2014). The policy makers and the professionals such as teachers require training and education on the biopsychosocial model. The impact of this on healthcare would be the reduction of health costs, improved occupational control, promotion of self-empowerment, provocation of behavioral change and an increment in adherence to plans of treatment. Integrated healthcare will eventually address the complete spectrum of the mind and the human body as one and the same. A Holistic Approach in the Application of the Biopsychosocial model in the future of Health Psychology The biomedical model of disease and health is dominant in the existing medical practices. The approach is effective mainly in the control of infectious maladies. Chronic non-infectious diseases require the BPS approach. The approach takes into account other health determinants. That thus takes the BPS model a step further into the better approach than the biomedical model. However, a more holistic approach in the biopsychosocial approach is one that integrates culture into the focus of biological, psychological and biological aspects. Taking culture into the picture for the future will result to a more holistic approach. The future health research programs and intervention strategies should endure at considering all the domains and that will be a holistic approach. The BPS model will keep on maturing with time. To this regard therefore, there should be an examination of the effectiveness of cultural, social, biological and physiological claims. It should be conducted in clinical practice exploring the health concepts from perspectives and questioning perspectives could influence the current and future trends in health interventions and health promotion. Conclusion The future of health care lies more on the biopsychosocial approach more than the biomedical one. However, as demonstrated in the research and advancements in the health psychology, there are still aspects of the BPS model that could be involved in the future. One of them could be an increased collaboration and participation amongst psychologists and physicians. They should collaborate to ensure that wellbeing is attained by effective application of the model. The aspect of culture should also be included in the framework to ensure that the health services are acceptable in various communities. Clinical implications are at the heart of the improvement of the biopsychosocial approach. Health psychology and biomedical research will act as key building blocks in the future role of the model. References Kim, P. (2014, March 22). Report Summarizes Health Psychology Study Findings from Northeastern University. Psychology Psychiatry Journal, 456, 33-67. Nezu, A. M. (2013). Health psychology. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Piotrowski, C. (2012, September 1). Occupational Health Psychology: Neglected Areas of Research. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 675, 44-65. Sheridan, C. L., Radmacher, S. A. (1992). Health psychology: challenging the biomedical model. New York: Wiley. White, P. (2009). Biopsychosocial medicine: an integrated approach to understanding illness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Role of Youth in Society

Role of Youth in Society Introduction Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. Youth as a description of a sector of society has many definitions depending on the perspective being used. For the purposes of this discussion youth will be considered to be the stage of life involving transition into adulthood: approximately age 15 to 25. Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. Although not the only drivers of social change, young people are seen to be one the key drivers engendering change. Whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people or the hope for the future is placed upon them by older generations is not clear. However, India is changing and developing, and this affects the lives of the people living there in varying degrees depending on their individual circumstances. Therefore, there are many new opportunities becoming available that can provide very different futures for today’s youth that were not available to previous generations. This essay will consider the role of youth in a changing Indian society. The Role of Youth In order to consider the role of youths in India it is helpful to first consider the overall situation in India as this provides the context in which young people are growing up. There are two areas in particular to consider: the transition towards being a developed country and the changes in population. India has made great strides in technology and other areas, including the space programme. However, much of the country remains unaffected by such developments and there is still much to be done to create an inclusive society where the living conditions for the whole population are brought up to an acceptable level and absolute poverty is eradicated. The differences between castes and religions also still remain a factor in the cohesiveness of the population as a whole. The population of India is also still increasing substantially and is expected to exceed that of China by the middle of this century. The population in 2012 was estimated to be 1.22 billion. In line with world trends life expectancy has also increased in India from 62.3 years for males and 63.9 years for females in 2001-2005 to 67.3 years and 69.6 years respectively in 2011-2015. Birth rates, however, have fallen slightly from crude figures of 22 per 1000 population to 21 per 1000 population between 2011 and 2012 (The World Bank, 2014). However, given the size of the population this still represents a large number of births. One health issue that is also particularly important is HIV/AIDS as there are estimated to be 2.4 million people in India living with the condition (MedIndia, 2014). These are some of the key elements that affect India at present and which overarch the role of young people in society. Young people in India today The youth of India make up approximately a quarter of the population and thus represent a substantial sector of society (Adlakha, 2014). The environment in which they are living is very different to that which was experienced by their parents. As a result many of the traditional values and cultural behaviours are being challenged by the influence of other cultures, particularly those in the West. Therefore, it can be seen that there are competing ways of life that exist which may be considered either a choice or a cause of confusion for young people. However, there are also good role models such as the first Indian-born woman to go into space, Kalpana Chawla, that show what can be achieved by Indian people male or female. Young people in India are considered to be vitally important as they will bring new ideas and developments to improve their country where older people are viewed as unable to be innovative or deal with new ideas. This perception differs from the views of young people and indeed the structure of society in general that exists in the West. Western perceptions do place young people in a strong position but, possibly due to a substantially longer life expectancy, there is a less dismissive view of older people, certainly in respect of those of working age. The roles of people in a other age ranges in addition to young people are considered to be valuable as each contribute differently to society as a whole. This does not extend in many cases to the elderly, however, but the longer life span in the West presents a different set of issues (Kruger Poster, 1990, p. 72). India is keen for their young people to become involved in civil society and develop political interest as this seen to be a vital part of the development of the country. In many ways there would appear to be a great deal of pressure being placed on the younger generation to move India into more developed and progressive country. The ability of the young people to fully participate in this way, however, is inhibited by two main factors. The first is the level of education, which also will be indicative of their wealth status, and the second is their caste and/or religious position. The better educated the young person is the more likely they are to participate more fully in civil society according to available research. Therefore, increasing the level of education across the country is important to develop the skills in the young people to enable to undertake the type of jobs that will help India develop. There is a substantial problem with illiteracy across the population, and even children attending school are leaving education still illiterate. This is particularly the case for the children from the poorest sectors of society. Unescos 11th Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report suggests, amongst other factors, that at the present rate of progress the poorest women in India will not be universally literate until 2080 (UNESCO, 2013/14). Therefore, unless this is addressed the pressure on young people to improve India will not produce the required results as there will be insufficient desire and capability to make the improvements a reality. There may also need to be a change of thinking generally in society to develop a desire for education and a belief that education is important to improve the standards of living for everyone. For the poorest people earning a living may be more important than education and even young children are needed to contribute. Child labour is still a major issue in India and will impact on the children’s ability to ever improve their lives (US Department of Labour, 2013, p. np). There is legislation in place in the form of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 (Indian Child Line, nd), which, if observed and enforced, should prevent this. The caste system and/or religious beliefs also present barriers to a cohesive progress despite the changes made to eliminate these problems (Zezulka-Mailloux Gifford, 2003, p. 156). This is a complex system with many ramifications which will not be discussed at length here but which does have a substantial influence on how people live in India. The way that different groups within the population view each other can be divisive, with even those people considered to have more secular views not wishing to eat with others from a different group, in some cases not even wanting to speak with them, or other similar types of segregation. This creates an atmosphere in which some people are more likely to be able to progress whilst others will be open to oppression. Thus the overall situation has many factors working at the same time, some which are conducive to progress and others that are barriers. The specific ways in which India is planning progress into the future are contained within the India 2020 Report which considers the vision for the future of India, the opportunities and the challenges in respect of human development, infrastructure, energy and many other areas (Kalam Rajan, 2002). The Report indicates that the changes already taking place in the country are bringing about shifts in many areas such as in the population with lower birth rates and anticipated increased life expectancy. The effect of these changes is likely to be felt in different ways depending upon how affluent the person is. For poorer people their situation is still very difficult and much more will need to change to enable and empower this group of people to improve their lives. The India 2020 Report also identified Nodal Points for Indian prosperity. In order for these Points to be effective the population will need to know what is required and pull together to achieve these goals. Within this plan there is clear evidence of the reliance that is being placed on young people to carry out these plans and be the key changing force in the country. However, whilst acknowledging the levels of poverty and all the other barriers that currently exist to gaining good levels of education and an improved standard of living across the country, the impact of poverty does not always seem to be seen as a major factor in the ability of the young people to fill this role. India 2020 proposes a range of factors that will improve the country for the whole population. This includes aiming for full employment, improvements to the judicial system and legislature to create systems that are seen to be operating with integrity, fairness and transparency, cleaning the environment, achieving literacy and numeracy for all and making India a major nation in the world. This must, however, be achieved by creating a fair society for every part of the population. One element that is of concern is the ‘brain drain’ of skilled people leaving the country. India needs to finds ways of retaining well trained young people to carry out the vision for the future. At present many young people perceive that there are more opportunities for them elsewhere rather than wanting to stay in their home country and improve conditions there (Glennie Chappell, 2010). If the country wishes young people to take a major leading role in progress it will be necessary to provide the appropriate motivation for them to want to do this. Furthermore, in order to improve the conditions in the country as a whole more trained people are needed to create and fill the jobs that will increase prosperity. There must, of course, then be relevant jobs for the young people to take. Creating an environment that places value on education, work, and creating a good work ethic is very important to making effective progress towards a more economically successful country. This process will also begin to reduce the disparity between the rich and poor, with the ultimate goal of absolute poverty being eradicated (although eradicating relative poverty may prove more difficult) and improving the lives of the poorest in society. The spiritual aspect of life is important in India and many people are guided in their lives by their beliefs. There are even newer beliefs such as Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­, which places emphasis on a number of areas that are important in the changes indicated by India 2020. Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­ places importance on training for a trade or profession, and particularly on the often neglected area of education for women. In addition there is also a focus on ensuring young people have every opportunity to enter work which is of service to others by virtue of one’s skills and abilities (Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­, 2014). This type of approach could be very helpful to young people to help to develop a good work ethic and the sense of community by helping others. It also emphasises the need for good moral and spiritual standards to support the young person’s working life. This is only one of the religions/beliefs in India, but it does indicate the way in which secular and religious aspects of life are more integrated than is common in western countries. The desire to adhere to religious beliefs can be both a positive and negative factor for young people depending on their particular religion and the way in which is directs them to behave as people. One area of concern in this respect currently is that of the recruitment of young people by terrorist organisations. This is clearly an issue from the point of view of the activities of such organisations, but it also takes valuable young people out of society. The International Year of Youth (first held in 1985),was supported by Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­, who continue to support the ongoing activities of that organisation (United Nations, 2014). This has widened in scope in the form of The World Programme for Action of Youth (United Nations, 2014). In order to promote youth involvement it is recommended by Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­ that young men and women should be encouraged to take part in projects that aim to improve living conditions, increase the quality of human life, and develop the self-reliance of their communities. Projects that are improving the situation for rural communities are particularly highlighted as ones which are important for young people to engage with. Young people can also play an important role in the quest for world peace. Young people have been a main focus for some time in India, and specific initiatives have been sought to involve young people in a range of topics. The Youth Day 2008 focussed on Youth and Climate change: Time for action. During this event Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, addressed the meeting (Pandve, et al., 2009, p. 105). In this address he indicated that young people are adaptable and can easily incorporate carbon saving methods into their everyday life. Therefore, it was important that young people were actively included in local, national and global level decisions on climate. In this way they will improve the world for their own futures and that of their children. Involving young people in making changes to their everyday life is one main aspect of the role they are required to play in society. Further initiatives will be needed to address many of the difficulties to support young people. Looking at those offered in other countries could provide useful information, such that of â€Å"The Promoting Tolerance and Dialogue through Interactive Theater† in Eastern Indonesia. This is a one-year program funded by Great Britains Strategic Program Fund and implemented by IREX Europe, IREX and the Center for Civic Education Indonesia (CCEI). This is a programme that uses theatre to provide the dialogue to work on prevention of conflict, extremism and intolerance (IREX, nd). This particular programme has now ended but could be used as a model for future activities. With the difficulties that are currently being seen as a result of terrorism this is an area of extreme importance and different methods of approaching the topic can be used to spread the message to young people. The call for young people to be involved in India politics began with Gandhi, who asked the youth of the day to come forward to become actively involved in the freedom movemen (Atkin, 2012, p. np). However, there are still few young people involved in the political arena. Most elected politicians are aged 50 or over whilst most of the voting public are under 40 (Ruland, et al., 2005, p. 181). This suggests either that younger people are happy with this situation or perhaps that they have little interest or enthusiasm for politics. There can be confusion here when there is a suggestion that the older leaders should make way for ‘youth’, because in this context the word ‘youth’ is used just to mean people younger than others, i.e. perhaps people in their 30s or 40s rather than very young people with no experience. This is something that is discussed widely in the media (Jain, 2009). This use of ‘youth’ to mean different age groups, between 15 and 40 plus, can present a confusing message to readers. Poverty reduction is a major issue in India and there has been work across the world that suggests that involving young people in creating change to reduce poverty, and other important such issues, is vital and more effective than allowing them to simply be the target for development. This may be promoted from within India or it may be helpful for outside agencies already working in this area with young people to help set up relevant initiatives (The National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations, 2009, p. 8). It is interesting to consider the more popular representations of the role that young people should play in society. There is a marked view that older people should step down in preference to younger people because only younger people have the ability to create change. The knowledge and experience of older people is acknowledged but it can frequently be seen that there is pressure for them to take a ‘back seat’, and only advise and guide, but not to actively participate (Kumar, 1998, p. 234). There does not as yet appear to be any research to demonstrate how this will affect society and the way that younger people feature, particularly in political and other such positions. However, it does appear to reduce the respect and reverence in which older people have customarily been held, which could be seen to be more in line with a more western approach where youth culture has become prominent. Conclusion India is a vast country with an enormous population that is increasing quite rapidly. There is a definite move towards becoming a developed country but there are still many problems to be solved. Comparing the situation in India with western countries presents challenges, as the cultural and social situation is very different and there are very different belief structures. One key factor is that young people are considered to be almost the ‘saving grace’ for the country. Great reliance is placed on young people becoming educated and increasing the status and economic profitability of the country. This is set, however, against poverty and poor educational offerings and achievement for large sections of the population. Providing more equal opportunities for men and women and eradicating child labour are two areas that will take great effort to resolve given and enormous number of people involved. There have been great improvements in areas such as IT and space development which has meant that some sectors of the youth have been able to move into those areas. However, in order to make the progress that is sought for India to become a developed country, young people need to be motivated in directions that will achieve that goal. There is a substantial concern regarding young people being drawn into terrorism, and major changes in law and order remain to be achieved. So it can be seen that there is much to be done and directives in place to work towards those aims. However, this does appear to place a great deal of responsibility and reliance on younger people to make this happen. Bibliography Adlakha, A., 2014. Population Trends :India. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2014]. Atkin, C., 2012. Education and Minorities. London: A C Black.Chapter 9 Available at [Accessed 24 October 2014] Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­, 2014. The Bahà ¡Ãƒ ­ Faith. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2014]. Glennie, A. Chappell, L., 2010. Show Me the Money (and Opportunity): Why Skilled People Leave Home — and Why They Sometimes Return. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2014]. Indian Child Line, nd. CHILD Protection Child Rights. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 23 October 2014]. IREX, nd. Promoting Tolerance and Dialogue through Interactive Theater in Eastern Indonesia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2014]. Jain, R., 2009. Role of Youth In Indian Politics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2014]. Kalam, A. A. Rajan, Y., 2002. India 2020 A Vision for the New Millenium, New Delhi: Penguin. Available at [Accessed 24 October 2014] Kruger, A. Poster, C., 1990. Community Education and the Western World. London: Routledge.p.72 Kumar, C. S., 1998. The Scheduled Castes in India. New Delhi: p.234 MedIndia, 2014. AIDS HIV Positive Cases in India 2009 2012. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2014]. Pandve, H. T., Deshmukh, P. R., Pandve, R. T. Patil, N. R., 2009. Role of youth in combating climate change. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 13(2), p. 105. Ruland, J., Jurgenmeyer, C., Nelson, M. Ziegenhain, 2005. Parliaments and Political Change in Asia. Pasir Panjang: Institute of Southeastern Asian Studies. Available at [Accessed 24 October 2014] The National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations, 2009. The Role of Young People in Poverty reduction, Stockholm: The National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations. The World Bank, 2014. Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2014]. UNESCO, 2013/14. Teaching and Learning Quality for all, UNESCO. United Nations, 2014. The International Year of Youth. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2014]. United Nations, 2014. The World Programme of Action for Youth. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2014]. US Department of Labour, 2013. India 2013 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, Available at [Accessed 23 October 2014] Zezulka-Mailloux, G. E. M. Gifford, J., 2003. Culture + the State: Alternative Interventions. Edmonton: CRC. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Essay

The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Most people do not think about their health or issues revolving around their health until they are actually ill or people think that their health is only affected by biological factors. However, our health should be a focus in our lives because our daily life has an affect on our health. Illness does not only have biological causes but is also influenced by social factors such as the socially imposed roles of gender and socioeconomic differences. Before the affect of gender on health can be discussed, the difference between gender and sex must first defined. Sex refers to actual physiological and hormonal differences between men and women; gender refers to the differences that are imposed by society. Statistics have shown that women have higher rates of morbidity but men have shorter life spans. This means that although women live longer than men, those years are not healthy years but rather are filled with illness. This cannot be completely explained by biological causes but the affect of social factors must be taken into account. There are two types of gender difference disease: completely biological and biological amplified by social. Examples of completely biological diseases would include ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and cervical cancer for women and prostrate cancer and testicular cancer for men. These diseases can only be had by members of a certain sex due to specific biological factors such as only women having ovaries therefore are able to have ovarian cancer whereas men have no ovaries and cannot get ovarian cancer. The other class of gender difference diseases is disease with biological causes but amplified by social factors. Examples... ..., those in a lower socioeconomic status have higher incidences of diseases aggravated by stress such as cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. This added stress also leads to negative health behaviors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse all of which have adverse affects on health. These various stressors of everyday life caused by gender differences and differences in socioeconomic status can have a more profound affect than they seem. Bibliography: Rieker, Patricia P. and Chloe E. Bird. "Sociological Explanations of Gender Differences In Mental and Physical Health." Handbook of Medical Sociology. Ed. Chloe E. Bird, et al. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, 2000. 98-113. Weiss, Gregory L. and Lynne E. Lonnquist. The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, 2000.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Technology - Digital Video and Copyright Fair Use Essay -- Exploratory

Digital Video and Copyright Fair Use Abstract: Video is one of the most compelling forms of communication of this time. Over the course of the past few years, the gradual but sure drift from analog to digital in video technology has not only improved the abilities of visual communication media to distribute data, but has also improved their abilities to manipulate the data that they distribute. Digital video technology has advanced to the extent that still image manipulation has been usurped by more powerful technological developments that allow elements of a video image to be manipulated in real-time. That is, objects or persons in a video image can be edited out or edited in while the image is in broadcast without the slightest glitch to suggest that some change has occurred; everything would look â€Å"real.† The advantages that this technology opens for visual media are extensive. Similar to some technologies, however, it opens up an exploitive edge. Pixels are plastic (can be changed) and using them to distort or mani pulate reality is an opportunity open to all users of video manipulation tools. The ethics of such uses and the social considerations of how copyright laws would deal with a technology which manipulates digital works of authorship, works to which copyright automatically attaches, are issues worth considering. This paper explores the possible and actual, reputable and less reputable uses of this technology in an attempt to stimulate discussions about how â€Å"well-intended† technologies can be utilized by users in unethical and harmful ways. The paper also attempts to see where possible infringements of copyright’s fair use doctrine has occurred or could possibly occur through use of this technology. A n... ...pinions. Despite the many issues connected to this technology however, the advantages it offers surpass any disadvantages seen thus far. References 1. Amato, Ivan. Lying with Pixels, Technology Review, Cambridge, Jul/Aug 2000. p.61. 2. See reference 1 above. 3. See reference 1, p.62. 4. See reference 3 above. 5. Royal Philips Electronics, Imaging : its digital future, Briefing, Volume 3, Issue 2, article no. 19. 6. See reference 1, p.64. 7. See reference 1 p. 65. 8. Samuelson, Pamela. Copyright’s fair use doctrine and digital data, Association for Computing Machinery., Communications of the ACM; vol. 37, Issue 1; New York, 1994. p. 22. 9. See reference 8, p.23. Additional:- Samuelson, Pamela. Copyright and Digital Libraries. (class material) (Article - Free Video Hosting)