Friday, February 14, 2020

Genetically Modified Crops and Framing Research Paper

Genetically Modified Crops and Framing - Research Paper Example Having knowledge of the structure of the DNA gave biologists insight into the processes of DNA translation and transcription. Scientists were able to understand how genes interacted with the environment and how they could be isolated from the DNA strand. This allowed scientists to manipulate genes and change the characteristics of organisms. Recent breakthroughs in science and the process of how genes code for proteins have enabled scientists to even create organisms. Genetically modified crops are a creation of genetic engineering and the processes of gene manipulation. Crops were selected that had the desired features and their genes were manipulated and isolated to make crops with the desired qualities. These crops were called genetically modified, transgenic or genetically engineered crops; hence the phase genetically modified (GM) refers to that breed of crops that has been altered through genetic engineering (Forman 8). Genetically modified crops are aimed to provide commercial and social advantages (Silberglitt 22). The golden rice contains high levels of beta-carotene that is not present in rice and so allows animals to make vitamin A. In countries like Bangladesh, rice is the staple diet, and so many people and children face severe deficiency of vitamin A, suffering from blindness and high mortality. Genetic engineers predict that the growth and consumption of golden rice in Asian countries can counter the stark conditions of malnutrition, mortality and blindness that is common in these areas. Although the traits of crops are changed to make them more resistant, concerns over the safety of the crops have risen dramatically over time and has fueled heated debates in the Europe, and to a lesser extent, in the US. In a nutshell, the basis for such debates is that transgenic organisms are a new breed, and can be likened to tampering with nature. They can impact both the environment and humans negati vely and may

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Learning Support System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Learning Support System - Assignment Example 3. Pay for goods f. Sell Learning Package 1. Book appointment with parent 2. Assess child's needs 3. Work out starting level on the learning program 4. Fill order form with parent g. Order Learning Material 1. Receive information about LSS services 2. Send interest form to LSS branch office 3. Book appointment with consultant 4. Fill order form 5. Pay for learning package 6. Receive learning package h. Administer Stage Test 1. Send assessment request to LSS 2. Receive stage test 3. Supervise stage test 4. Send test for marking i. Study 1. Study video and workbook 2. Do stage exam 3. Advance to next stage on passing Alternative: Last stage of level 3a. Advance to the next level if current stage is the last stage in the current level Alternative: Last stage of last level 3a. Finish learning program j. Manage Sales and Stock 1. Record customer details, where leads come from, consultant who made the sale and child's progress 2. Update stock level 3. Re-order automatically if reorder level is reached iii) For Process Assessment the primary scenario would be 1. Receive request for assessment by phone or by Assessment Request Form from parents 2. Send stage test 3. Receive and mark test 4. Send letter of congratulations and stage certificate The secondary scenario would be: 1. Receive request for assessment by phone or by Assessment Request Form from parents 2. Send stage test 3. Receive and mark test 4. Send letter of congratulations and stage certificate Also send level certificate along with a request for consultant to visit family if this is the last stage of a level. 1. A use case enables a systems developer to capture the functional requirements of systems. It does this by providing one of more scenarios that map to how the users interact with...It provides a divide-and-conquer approach to requirements analysis since the developer can focus on one part of a system at a time. A use case meets a specific business goal and thus the use case allows the developer to analyze requirement, one business goal at a time. An example is the use case "Buy Learning Materials". This use case spells out clearly the steps a Parent role takes to acquire learning materials for a Child role. Therefore, a use case provides a clear direction to a system developer. A use case is reusable because of the rich view it provides. A use case will therefore help systems developer not only during requirements gathering but also as a guideline during development. It can also form the basis of systems documentation much latter. The use case diagram for LSS above reveals the different components of the system under development allowing the systems developer to develop the system in a modular manner. He can start with the use cases that are considered more urgent/important by the users. Use cases provide alternative scenarios thus enabling a systems developer to accommodate many behaviors of a system.