Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Motivation for the American Dream in Of Mice and Men, by...

Motivation is the will to do something. Life has many different levels of motivation; achieving something, attempting to achieve something, and not trying it achieve something. Motivation can be applied to the American Dream. In the book Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the levels of motivation are clearly evident, this affects the process of how the characters achieve their dreams. Of Mice and Men is a story of two migrant workers, how they deal with their American Dream, and the troubles of working on a ranch during The Great Depression. The Characters of Of Mice and Men are going through these levels of motivation and achievement. Through the Characters George and Lennie, Curley’s Wife, and Crooks the stable buck, Steinbeck†¦show more content†¦Both Lennie and George have motivation to achieve their american Dream, Lennie for the rabbits, and George so he can finally relax. Curley’s wife exhibits the least motivation to achieve her American Dream, because of her current situation, that she has placed herself in. Curley’s wife who rarely lets her outside the house. He absolutely won’t let her become an actress, and nor would her mother. Curley’s wife wanted to become an actress but couldn’t, â€Å" So I married Curley [. . .] Well I ain’t told this to nobody before well maybe I oughtn’t too. I don’t like Curley.† (89). Why would you marry someone you don’t even like, let alone love? Curley’s wife had to have known Curley was controlling before she married him. She did nothing to achieve her dream, nothing. Curley’s wife’s motivation didn’t exist when it came to her American Dream. Curley’s wife’s American Dream was just a dream. She had setback after setback including this one: â€Å"and he shook her, and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still for Lennie had broken her neck.† (91). All of Curley’s wife wanted was to be an actress, to have people take her pictures, to be free, and to have the attention she was deprived of. She had at least a sliver of a chance when she was alive to achieve her dreams, but now that she is dead she absolutely won’t. Curley’s wifeShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream767 Words   |  4 PagesThe American dream is defined as the idea that every American should have an equal opportunity to achieve their goal in life through hard work, determination, and initiative. The novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men† by John Steinbeck explores this idea throughout his story. Through the characters in the story, it shows the many different hardships of each character trying to pursue their dream. 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